RED-S, Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport is a debilitating syndrome for teen athletes. It often includes disordered eating and keep an athlete from thriving and competing. Here’s what you need to know about RED-S and disordered eating in teen athletes. This article is written by Karli Himmelreic, and edited by Jenna Braddock, for Off-Season Athlete. […]
Category: Parents

The Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is a real concern for many young athletes, but it can be tricky to identify at first. Here is the story of how a female pole vaulter came to recognize the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia and how she recovered from it. Knowing this information can help prevent your teen […]

Cognitive Behavior Therapy: the missing piece of injury recovery
The multisport athlete is becoming a thing of the past. Competitive seasons are becoming longer and our young athletes are practicing all year long for one sport. Because of this, evidence shows injuries are on the rise. I was not resistant to this trend as a child. I held my first tennis racquet at 3 […]

Helping Teens Deal with Jealousy in Sports
Sitting the bench. Not starting. Being smaller or bigger than their teammates. Losing playing time to a teammate. Being injured and no longer contributing to their team. All of these situations can lead an athlete to feeling down on themself and jealous of their teammates. Jealousy can be a common issue in competitive team sports. […]

Yoga for Teen Athletes
Yoga has become a very popular form of exercise. Many athletes are beginning to use it as a supplemental form of training. You may think it seems too slow pace, but so many have tried it and become intrigued by its challenge. Research shows yoga can enhance athletic performance and recovery. Teen athletes may not […]

Should Teen Athletes do CrossFit?
With the rise in popularity of Crossfit, many people are trying it for the first time. Off-Season Athlete asked Coach Amanda: Should Teen Athletes do Crossfit? Here’s what she said… Teen athletes are very adaptive to any form of strength and conditioning training because they are still maturing. This is the best time to introduce them […]

Excellence is not Perfection
The perfect game is a rarity in major league baseball and only 23 have been pitched in the modern era. A basketball player that makes 50% of his or her field goals is considered excellent, not perfect. If a quarterback completes over half of his passes, that is considered excellent, not perfect. A perfect score is […]