Jenna Braddock, MSH, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT
Founder & Owner, Chief Sports Nutritionist
Jenna is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics who has been working with athletes to reach their performance goals since 2006. Her clients have ranged from young rising gymnasts, to NFL combine athletes, to master rowers. Through the years she has worked with a large number of high school level athletes, creating a passion and niche for these unique athletes. She has received specialty training at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO and continues to pursue personal development to stay on top of the latest in sports nutrition and training strategies.
Jenna has also been a faculty member in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of North Florida since 2010 where she specialized in online course development and instruction. Through this role she has learned valuable skills for educating in the virtual space with effective and engaging techniques.
Lastly, Jenna is married to a high school football and weightlifting coach and fully understands the challenges teen athletes, their parents and coaches face in reaching performance goals in the off-season.

Brian Braddock, MS
Consultant, Player & Coach Development
Brian is the Head Football Coach at St. Augustine High School and formerly the head coach at Mandarin High School. He has led both of his teams deep in the playoffs by implementing a culture of physicality, consistency and value to each player. He has spoken at Glazier Coaching Clinics.
It was Brian’s approach to the seriousness of the off-season that inspired Jenna to start “Off-Season Athlete”.
Dan Houmes, MA, MEd, LMFT
Mental Development Coach
Dan is a licensed Marriage And Family Therapist and a Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage And Family Therapists. During his 37 years of private practice, he has worked with athletes and their families at the amateur, collegiate, and professional levels. Dan has helped athletes and their families with the emotional issues of athletic performance to enhance their athletic careers at their level. He also has served in a Chaplin capacity at the collegiate and professional levels.